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Title: Exploration Licence 28615 Donkey Creek Neutral Junction Project Fifth Annual Technical Report for the period 1st November 2015 to 31st October 2016
Title Holder / Company: Bowgan Minerals
Report id: CR2016-0621
Tenure: EL28615
Year: 2016
Author: Price, G
Abstract: Donkey Creek EL 28615 comprises part of Neutral Junction project. Bowgan Minerals Limited is the owner and operator of the project. EL 28615 is located 280 km north of the regional centre of Alice Springs. Exploration is currently aimed at identification of potential occurrence of economic base metal, silver and gold mineralisation within metasediments of the Proterozoic Hatches Creek group within a volcanic massive sulphide (VMS) or sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) depositional setting. Targeting of potential extensions to the known resource at the nearby Home of Bullion comprise a major part of the exploration strategy to date. Exploration work completed on EL 28615 during the reporting period involved the continuation of a desk top review of results from previous exploration work completed on the tenement and a variation of covenant request was lodged during the reporting period. Exploration work is currently on-going.
Date Added: 3-Aug-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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