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Title: Annual Technical Report EL 27971 for period ending 19 October 2016
Title Holder / Company: Tellus Holdings
Report id: CR2016-0623
Tenure: EL27971
Year: 2016
Author: Livesey, J
Abstract: The Bluebush Project is located in the Amadeus Basin, approximately 120 km south east of Alice Springs. Tellus Holdings consider this area to be prospective for evaporitic mineralisation. This annual report relates EL 27971 Bluebush for the reporting period ending 19th October 2016. Tellus is targeting subsurface salt deposits to assess potential evaporitic mineralisation within the Amadeus Basin. Two known salt units are present in the region, namely the Chandler Formation and the deeper Gillen Salt Member. In order to assess potential evaporitic mineralisation further; drilling, core sampling and geochemical analysis of samples is required. Additional seismic data acquisition and processing would improve data coverage over the project area giving greater confidence is the salt unit model. Exploration activities to date indicate a significant thickness of massive to semi massive halite exists in the Bluebush project area within the Chandler Formation at a depth of approximately 808-1478m. Tellus considers the Chandler salt dome within EL 27971 to have potential for development. The project has been preliminarily assessed for suitability for salt mining and for gas storage. Discussions with potential investors and technical partners is ongoing. In order to assess potential evaporitic mineralisation further; drilling, core sampling and geochemical analysis of samples is required. Additional seismic data acquisition and processing would improve data coverage over the project area giving greater confidence is the salt unit model.
Date Added: 3-Aug-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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