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Title: MA 31372 Partial Relinquishment Report 1 November 2017 to 8 December 2021
Title Holder / Company: Tri-Star Energy Company
Report id: CR2021-0645
Tenure: MA31372
Year: 2022
Author: MacDonald, K
Abstract: The Pedirka Basin Project consists of twenty-one (21) Mineral Authorities including MA 31372 which were granted on 1 November 2017. The Pedirka Basin Project is a multi-commodity exploration project with resource commodities including base and precious metals, iron and coal. The project area is located approximately 200 kilometres southeast of Alice Springs along the western margin of the Pedirka Basin, and partially overlaps the following pastoral leases: Andado; New Crown; Horseshoe Bend; Lilla Creek; Umbeara. In 2020-2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic hiatus, Tri-Star undertook a review of all their assets and as part of this review, 40 Blocks were identified for relinquishment effective 8th December 2021. 208 Blocks have been retained in MA 31372.
Date Added: 2-Aug-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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