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Title: Review of upper McArthur Group Stratigraphy in the Glyde Sub-basin and Correlation with Modern Geophysical and Geochemical Data
Title Holder / Company: Armour Energy
Report id: PR2014-0083
Tenure: EP171;  EP190;  EP176
Year: 2014
Corporate Author: The University of Adelaide
Abstract: The primary objective of the project is to make recommendations for future drilling based on the thickness and lateral extent of total organic carbon (TOC) rich zones within the Barney Creek Formation. This will be achieved by interpreting available mineral and petroleum well data to identify formations and divide them into facies based on geochemical and geophysical characteristics. In addition to this, the study will aim to re-evaluate the depositional environments of the Upper McArthur Group based on the interpretation of composite HyLog data (mineral wells) and wireline data (petroleum wells).
Date Added: 17-Jul-2022
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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