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Title: Petrophysics Report - EP153, EP154, EP144
Title Holder / Company: Hancock Exploration Management Services
Report id: PR2016-A005
Tenure: EP144;  EP153;  EP154
Year: 2012
Corporate Author: DownUnder Geosolutions
Abstract: A comprehensive petrophysics study has been conducted in the McArthur Basin and Beetaloo Sub-Basin, located in the NT. The primary aim of this study is to evaulate the potential targets for oil and gas accumulations in the EP153 and EP154 permit areas. A full petrophysical interpreatation of 19 wells from the McArthur Basin and Beetaloo Sub-Basin and one from the Georgina Basin has been performed to investigate the lithology, reservoir quality, and fluid content of the wells.
Date Added: 17-Jul-2022
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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