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Title: Organic and inorganic characterisation of Tawallah Group sediments, McArthur Basin, NT
Title Holder / Company: Armour Energy
Report id: PR2016-A024
Tenure: EP174;  EP190
Year: 2016
Corporate Author: CSIRO
Abstract: The primary aim of this study is to investigate the Resource potential in two drillholes; one from the lower Mesoproterozoic Wollogorang Formation (14MCDDH002), and one assigned to the lower Mesoproterozoic McDermott Formation (DD91DC1) through assessment of the sedimentology, chemostratigraphy, lithogeochemistry and the palaeo-environment. Furthermore, the results from this study will be compared to the previous Researcher in Business (RIB) collaborative study between Armour Energy Plc. and CSIRO which investigated three drillholes from the same stratigraphy (Spinks et al. 2015).
Date Added: 17-Jul-2022
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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