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Title: EL 26634 and EL 27119 Annual Report 1 February 2021 to 22 August 2021 and Final Report 23 August 2016 to 22 August 2021 Bluebush-Bonanza Project GR164
Title Holder / Company: Prodigy Gold
Report id: CR2021-0376
Tenure: EL26634;  EL27119
Year: 2021
Author: Colclough, H
Abstract: EL 26634 and EL 27119 are wholly owned by Prodigy Gold NL and form part of the Bluebush-Bonanza Project which currently comprises a total of 22 tenements and is located approximately 600 kilometres northwest of Alice Springs, 90 km northwest of the Callie Mine. Prodigy is exploring the project for the potential of gold mineralisation. A total of 158 surface samples were collected and 132 aircore holes for 8,105m drilled on EL 27119 during its five-year tenure as well as 1:10,000 geological mapping and interpretation focused on the Apertawonga prospect. Framework AC drilling completed in 2017 at the Wild Turkey Prospect Area was designed to upgrade the geological understanding of the block with litho-geochemistry, and to confirm any bedrock anomalism. Five drill hole traverses were completed over the antiformal structure. Drilling was not as successful at highlighting any gold anomalous areas. At Apertawonga the first drill campaign defined gold and pathfinder anomalism over 4.5km. Detailed geological mapping and interpretation enhanced its prospectivity as an exploration target however the assay results of the subsequent second infill campaign reduced the potential for significant gold mineralisation. Geophysical work conducted by external consultants has included a data merge of all available airborne and ground magnetic datasets which has significantly improved the resolution of images across the project area. No on - ground exploration was completed on EL 26634 during its tenure.
Date Added: 1-Jun-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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