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Title: EL 23186 15th Annual Technical Report for period ending 14 July 2016
Title Holder / Company: Kidman Barrow Creek
Kidman Resources
Report id: CR2016-0384
Tenure: EL23186
Year: 2016
Abstract: Kidman Resources undertook surface landform mapping around the Home of Bullion deposit. The work was done to form a more complete understanding of the geology around the Home of Bullion mine. Environmental monitoring was also undertaken to ensure that all rehabilitation that had been completed in previous reporting periods was still regenerating adequately. Several field trips were also undertaken to give orientation to new members of the geology team. Further review of geological targets was also undertaken as the renewal of the tenement was due at the end of the reporting period so areas considered not to be of material importance were relinquished and the drill targets refined to ensure the targets drilled will have most impact on any future resource upgrade. Kidman Resources also made core available to the Geological Survey's Matthew McGloin in which geochronology/geochemistry/ collection of thin sections and S isotpe work was undertaken.
Date Added: 26-Apr-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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