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Title: EL 24921, EL 24922, EL 25002 Tin Camp Creek Project Annual Report 30 May 2015 to 29 May 2016
Title Holder / Company: TCC Project
West Arnhem Corporation
Alligator Energy
Report id: CR2016-0380
Tenure: EL24921;  EL24922;  EL25002
Year: 2016
Author: Lightfood, R
Abstract: Work undertaken during the 2015/2016 tenure year began with helicopter supported Fixed Loop EM (FLEM) and Sub-Audio Magnetics (HeliSAM) geophysical surveys over the Mintaka, South Orion and North-East Myra prospects, carried out by GAP geophysics with the support of Alligator Energy staff. This was followed by extended sampling and re-sampling of 38 historic drillholes. Sampling was predominantly for Lead isotopes through sandstone intervals, but also including the re-sampling of lower Proterozoic and Archean basement covering previously identified anomalous Uranium and base metal values. Tenement reconnaissance also continued through surface sampling of the Kombolgie sandstone supergroup with the ongoing focus of identifying Lead isotope anomalies derived from an undercover Uranium deposit. Prospect scale geological mapping was also undertaken during the 2015 field season totalling 65 mapping points.
Date Added: 26-Apr-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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