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Title: Technical Report on ML 30260 Maud Creek Mining Project for period 16 June 2015 to 15 June 2016
Title Holder / Company: Newmarket Gold NT Holdings
Phoenix Copper
Report id: CR2016-0288
Tenure: ML30260
Year: 2016
Author: Edwards, M
Abstract: Newmarket Gold has recently announced the development of a new 'Feasibility Study' for the Maud Creek deposit. Work commenced on this report after 11 companies were invited to submit an expression of interest (EOI) for this work to be completed. These were short listed down until SRK were awarded contract for the study. SRK have started by reviewing the drilling data and re-constructing the Mineral Resource estimation which will be available for review early in the next reporting period. Activities completed on the Maud Creek mining project for the reporting period have centred around the generation of the Maud Creek feasibility study and the review of past work on the Chessman project. This will continue in the coming reporting period.
Date Added: 20-Mar-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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ML30260_2016_A_Prelim_Econ_Assess_of_Maud_Creek.pdf9.71 MBPDF Add

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