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Title: Annual Report MLN 880, MLN 881 and MLN 882 GR306-15 Great Western year ending 15 March 2016
Title Holder / Company: Newmarket Gold NT Holdings
Report id: CR2016-0227
Tenure: MLN880;  MLN881;  MLN882
Year: 2016
Author: Schwartz, A
Abstract: The Great Western Group of tenements consists of three tenements: Mineral Lease Northern (MLNs) 880, 881 and 882. The tenements are located approximately 145 km southeast of Darwin, and 32 Km east, northeast of the Adelaide River Township. In 2012, Newmarket Gold Inc. (then Crocodile Gold NT Operations) purchased the assets from Australia Consolidated Limited. Historically, the tenements have been the focus of gold production since 1890, with the first discovery in the area occurring during the 1800's. The tenement group is situated on the Pine Creek Orogen within the Archaean to Palaeoproterozic boundaries. Gold mineralisation within the Pine Creek Orogen is found within the strata of the South Alligator and the lower parts of the Finnis River Group. Greywackes and siltstones from the Burrell Creek formation are also known to host the area. Gold mineralisation within the tenements is made up of both quartz veining and stockwork gold, with base mineralisation occurring within the major anticlinal axis from the Burrell Creek formation. This type of mineralisation is also found at gold deposits such as Moline, Union Reefs, Esmeralda and the Goodall deposit. Little activity has occurred over the leases within the previous 12 months, with the majority of work focusing around desktop studies and reporting.
Date Added: 20-Mar-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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