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Title: Annual Technical Report EL 28900 for period ending 4 March 2016
Title Holder / Company: Tellus Holdings
Report id: CR2016-0202
Tenure: EL28900
Year: 2016
Author: Livesey, J
Abstract: A regional water investigation program commenced, Ride Consulting conducted a review of historic and existing water bores across the project and greater regional area. Areas along the Maryvale hills and charlotte Range (within EL 28900) were assessed for water potential. The greater project area (including the eastern part of EL 28900, within Maryvale Station) was assessed by Low Ecological Services in conjunction with habitat assessment for flora and fauna studies. Two seismic lines fall with EL 28900 and are part of the Chandler Project seismic model. Endeavour Geophysics reviewed the newly acquired drill hole and wireline data from the water investigation program. The full wave sonic data was used to tie the drill hole to the seismic survey lines. The time - depth relationship was calculated for intersected marker beds and used to convert the seismic from time domain to depth domain. The interpretive geological model over the project area has been updated and refined.
Date Added: 20-Mar-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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