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Title: EL 29475 Adnera Hill Neutral Junction Project Third Annual Report for the period 15 January 2015 to 14 January 2016
Title Holder / Company: Bowgan Minerals
Report id: CR2016-0005
Tenure: EL29475
Year: 2016
Author: Price, G
Abstract: Two field exploration programs were conducted during the current reporting period. A reconnaissance visit conducted over 2 days during March 2015 which included collection of 15 rock chip samples from 2 target areas on EL 29475, followed by a comprehensive campaign involving 19 days of exploration field work including ground magnetic surveying, geological mapping and outcrop sampling was conducted during June-July 2015. Exploration activity was completed across both EL 24253 (Neutral Junction) and EL 29475 (Adnera Hill) which included: Completion of 127.9 line-kilometres of ground magnetic surveying; Completion of geological mapping, including collection of 70 outcrop samples; Collation of ground magnetic dataset; Cutting, cataloguing and photographing of rock chip samples, magnetic susceptibility testing; Submission of 24 samples for analysis and review of results; Interpretation of magnetic, mapping data and assay results (ongoing).
Date Added: 16-Mar-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL29475_2016_A_04_Adnera_mapping_2015.xlsx72.32 kBMicrosoft Excel XML Add
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