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Title: Annual Report EL 26626 Tanami Altura JV Project From 15 November 2019 to 14 November 2020
Title Holder / Company: Altura Lithium Operations
Prodigy Gold
Report id: CR2020-0473
Tenure: EL26626
Year: 2020
Author: Rohde, J
Abstract: EL 26626 is part of a JV between Prodigy Gold NL (Prodigy) and Altura Mining Ltd (Altura), named the Tanami project. It is located approximately 600 kilometres (km) north-northwest of Alice Springs. EL 26626 is situated approximately 31 km south of the Callie Mine in the north Tanami Region of the Aileron Province. Prodigy is exploring the 'Tanami Altura JV' project for gold mineralisation. Due to personnel change the previous targets were reassessed by the new Prodigy team. The review generated no new targets. Prodigy commissioned Perth based geophysical consultant Resource Potentials Pty Ltd. to process and merge airborne and ground magnetic datasets (including the new regional 200 m line spaced NTGS survey). The new GIS layers show a significantly improved resolution compared to previous images. This regional project included the area of EL 26626. To create a regolith characterisation and drilling effectiveness map a Tanami Region wide map was produced, which built on previous work and characterized all fit for purpose multi element (ME) data in Prodigy's database. This regional map included the area of EL 26626 but no soil sampling ME polygon emerged for this area. Database Maintenance continued with the completion of any missing historical data, the updating gaps in geochemistry plus translating and importing geology which contributed to the understanding of the priority exploration and drilling targets. No on-ground exploration was completed partly due Covid 19 access restrictions and as Prodigy focused its activities on higher ranking exploration targets. No new recommendations were made. All previous exploration has been outlined in the preceding annual reports.
Date Added: 16-Feb-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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