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Title: Annual and Final Report for Exploration Licence 29747 Lake Mackay Project from 13th October 2020 to 2nd September 2021
Title Holder / Company: Castile Resources
Report id: CR2021-0325
Tenure: EL29747
Year: 2021
Author: McGloin, M
Abstract: The Castile Resources Pty Ltd tenement EL 29747 is located approximately 500 km west-northwest of Alice Springs in the western Aileron Province of central Australia. The tenements form part of the Lake Mackay Project joint venture between IGO Limited (IGO) and Prodigy Gold NL (PRX). IGO and PRX have explored the tenement and fund the majority of project expenditure. This report summarises the surrender of tenement EL 29747. The tenement was previously part of an amalgamated reporting arrangement with EL 31794 (GR484) that has now been cancelled as a result of the surrender. This is the final annual report for the tenement. In the reporting period (13th of October 2020 to 2nd of September 2021), exploration work completed on the tenement was limited to infill soil sampling. No significant geochemical anomalies were detected with the soil sampling program failing to improve upon a previously detected anomaly from an earlier phase of sampling. As a result, no further work was recommended, and the tenement was surrendered on the 2nd of September 2021.
NOTESee CR2019-0568 for Aerial EM Survey Data
See CR2019-0544 for 52 Soil Samples not submitted with this report
Date Added: 8-Feb-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL29747_2021_S_1.pdf737.56 kBPDF Add
EL29747_2021_S_6_FileListing.pdf278.61 kBPDF Add
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