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Title: Partial Relinquishment Report Rand EL 32349 for the period 29 July 2020 to 10 August 2021
Title Holder / Company: Gempart
Report id: CR2021-0273
Tenure: EL32349
Year: 2021
Author: Mackie, AW
Bubner, GJ
Abstract: EL 32349 was granted in July 2020. Primary target commodities are base metals and gold. There are no mines, deposits or prospects within the tenement, nor any drillholes. The only data acquired by previous explorers are a few rock chip and drainage samples. Most of the area is covered by Quaternary sands and alluvium. Scattered outcrop comprises Amadeus Basin sediments; primarily Bitter Springs Group in the west with Julie Formation and Arumbera Sandstone in the east. Gempart believe, on the basis of anomalous assays from limited surface sampling, that potential exists for sediment-hosted copper and gold in the Julie Formation or Arumbera Sandstone. Work in the first year of tenure comprised review of all public domain geotechnical databases and previous exploration reports. Gutnick Resources collected reconnaissance samples in drainages within Amadeus Basin sediments, mostly in the northeast and northwest of the tenement area. BLEG and base metal assays reported up to 170ppm Pb, 120ppm Cu and 0.4ppb Au. A small VTEM survey was flown in the northeastern part of the tenement, covering the area hosting most of the elevated BLEG assays. No new data have been collected in the relinquished area. Within the southern part of the tenement area, historical exploration comprises collection of only three drainage samples with assays of low tenure. Gempart believes the northern part of the tenement is more prospective and consequently has decided to relinquish the southern half.
Date Added: 8-Feb-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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