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Title: Hodgson Downs EPs 153 and 154 Northern Territory, Revised Geology
Title Holder / Company: Jacaranda Minerals
Minerals Australia
Hancock Exploration
Report id: PR2016-G010
Tenure: EP153;  EP154
Year: 2016
Corporate Author: SRK Consulting (Australasia)
Abstract: The key aims of this project were to provide a review of all previous geologic interpretations using the newly acquired gravity and magnetic data to provide further detail and insight into potential source/reservoir formations such as the Velkerri Formation and the Barney Creek Formation (McArthur Group).
The results of the study have raised the potential of EPs 153 and 154 to host conventional/unconventional petroleum resources by mapping of two potential source rock units and the identification of new structural traps. Ten of the 58 interpreted structural traps are located in areas where both source rocks may be present at depth. Only one of the ten was identified as a prospect/lead by the previous study.
Document Type: Gravity Survey
Magnetic Survey
Date Added: 23-Jan-2022
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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