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Title: Papers presented on the Amadeus Basin at the central Australia Basin Symposium (CABS-III) relating to EP107
Title Holder / Company: Merlin Energy
Petroleum Exploration Australia
Report id: PR2012-A037
Tenure: EP107
Year: 2012
Corporate Author: Merlin Energy
Abstract: Papers presented on the Amadues Basin at the Central Australia Basin Symposium (CAB-III) relating to EP107.
Papers listed:
Prospectivity of the Camel Flat Syncline region with emphasis on the Chandler Formation
Monetising oil and gas from remote resources and providing energy security for the region and Australia
A Devonian rimmed carbonate platform complex and barrier reef complex offers new exploration opportunities in the Simpson Desert
The geology of the Pedirka Basin coal measures in the Purni Formation, Simpson Desert area
The petroleum geology of the Pellinor and Simpson East Prospects
Date Added: 14-Nov-2021
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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