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Title: MLN 818, MLN 916, ML 30235 Annual Report 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015
Title Holder / Company: Blake, S
Report id: CR2015-0977
Tenure: MLN818;  MLN916;  ML30235
Year: 2015
Abstract: Sampling program has been completed with 80 percent of the results looking promising. The sampling work done on the tailings stockpile shows there is a promising amount of fine gold in the tails. The focus of the business is to recover the fine gold using a washing and gravity process. The project will start off in a very small capacity until optimum recovery is achieved which will take us to the next level to operate on a larger scale.
Date Added: 10-Sep-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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