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Title: Group Annual Report EL 9250, 26609, 26619, 27125, 27566, 27812, 27979 and 28333 Suplejack Project GR166 from 30 November 2014 to 29 November 2015
Title Holder / Company: ABM Resources
Australian Tenement Holdings
Report id: CR2015-0825
Tenure: EL9250;  EL26609;  EL26619;  EL27125;  EL27126;  EL27566;  EL27812;  EL27979;  EL28333
Year: 2015
Author: Rohde, J
Abstract: The Suplejack Project is located approximately 700km NNW of in the northern portion of the Tanami Desert (Figure 1). The project comprises nine granted Exploration Licences - EL 9250, 26609, 27812, 26619, 27125, 27126, 27566, 27979 and EL28333. ABM explores the tenements for the potential of gold mineralisation. In 2015 exploration consisted of the completion of 45 AC drill holes totaling 2608.5m and 1752 samples collected on one tenement (EL 9250) at the Hyperion prospect. The Hyperion Gold Project has an Inferred Resource estimation of 2.98 million tonnes at an average grade of 2.11g/t gold for 202,200 ounces. Geology at Hyperion consists of steeply dipping sedimentary rocks (sandstone and shale), dolerite and basalt, as well as a granite dyke or sill associated with mineralisation. Mineralisation is leached in the upper parts of the system with mineralisation tenor increasing from 20 metres depth. The program was designed as infill drilling at the main Hyperion prospect zone (to an average depth of 60 metres) and as step out drilling along strike to the east as well as to the east. Drilling at Hyperion East along strike from the main Hyperion Central zone added potentially two new zones of mineralisation. It is recommended to complete follow up drilling.
Date Added: 5-Aug-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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