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Title: Group Annual Report Ringwood 5 March 2015 to 31 December 2015
Title Holder / Company: Montfall
Report id: CR2015-0858
Tenure: ML30717;  ML30718
Year: 2015
Author: Hamilton, G
Abstract: Nil work. Previous costeaning and assays, identified an alluvial resource only of a maximum 300,000 tons, the hard rock drilling failed to locate, or indicate any viable hard rock resource on these leases. The leases are only held to possibly add to the Mt Tymn alluvial heap leach potential.
Date Added: 28-Jul-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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GR384_2016_GA_01.pdf8.24 kBPDF Add
GR384_2016_GA_02_LocationMap.pdf344.62 kBPDF Add
GR384_2016_Tenement_History_Addition.pdf162.51 kBPDF Add

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