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Title: Year 1 Annual Report EL 30280 McKinlay South Project for 15 October 2014 to 14 October 2015
Title Holder / Company: Anictomatis, R
Report id: CR2015-0788
Tenure: EL30280
Year: 2015
Author: Chapman, A
Abstract: EL 30280 is located approximately 100kms southeast of Darwin. It was granted 15/10/2014 and is 100% owned by Ross Anictomatis. The tenement has outcropping rocks of the Finniss River Group (Burrell Creek Formation) in the middle and southwestern parts of the tenement and the South Alligator Group in the north eastern corner. The area has undergone polyphase deformation, and folding is tight to isoclinal with the fold axes trending north to north-northwest and plunging both to the northwest and south west. During the year preliminary reconnaissance was completed over the tenement. Also an exploration review of the tenement and available historic data was commenced indicating EL 30280 has excellent shallow and deep gold exploration potential. Continued surface reconnaissance and sampling is recommended especially in the NE corner of the tenement which has largely been neglected by previous explorers. Also an assessment of the available EM data to identify prospective stratigraphy at depth, within anticlinal fold hinges and hopefully below current known surface gold anomalism is recommended for the development of drill targets.
Date Added: 28-Jul-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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