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Title: Relinquishment Report Rhodes Tenement Group MLN's 414 to MLN 418 9 November 2009 to 21 October 2015
Title Holder / Company: Crocodile Gold
Report id: CR2015-0733
Tenure: MLN414;  MLN415;  MLN416;  MLN417;  MLN418
Year: 2015
Author: Edwards, M
Abstract: The Rhodes Group of titles is located on EL 25748 as well as within MLNA 1152. The decision was made to relinquish these titles as they will form part of the larger Mineral Lease application and are still located within an active Exploration License which will allow work to be completed while the application is being granted. Since taking ownership of these titles only $202 of expenditure has been reported to the Department, this highlights the low levels of exploration work completed on the titles since 2009.
Date Added: 27-Jul-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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