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Title: Annual Report MLN 898 Good Shepherd year ending 31 December 2015
Title Holder / Company: Newmarket Gold NT Holdings
Report id: CR2015-0835
Tenure: MLN898
Year: 2015
Author: Edwards, M
Abstract: Newmarket Gold Inc. (known as Crocodile Gold Ltd at the time of acquisition) took control of the Good Shepherd project from Adept Solutions in May 2012. The Good Shepherd Mineral Lease is located in close proximity to several historic gold mines. There is potential for future discovery but a review of all assets found that the Good Shepherd prospect, although being prospective for future mining, did not comply with the core asset criteria and strategic focus of the company. Therefore, Newmarket Gold Inc has offered the Good Shepherd tenement for sale.
Date Added: 26-Jul-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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