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Title: Collaboration Drilling Program Scimitar Diamond Drilling 2021 EL 23888
Title Holder / Company: Prodigy Gold
Report id: CR2020-0625
Tenure: EL23888
Year: 2021
Author: Keys, E
Dutheil, D
Abstract: The aim of the Scimitar Diamond drill program was to confirm the source of a prominent electromagnetic (EM) conductor identified in airborne Tempest EM data flown in 2012 and by a Fluxgate moving Loop ground EM survey completed by Prodigy Gold in October 2020. The fertility of the targeted mineral system is supported by surface samples of distal veins 3km along strike at the Lander prospect, which returned a best intercept of 2% Cu, 0.16ppm Au and 15ppm Ag from a rock chip obtained in August 2020. Similarly, a mapping program over the prospect conducted in September-October 2020 identified favourable structures, rock assemblages and alteration that support the potential for a massive sulphide style of deposit. Prodigy drilled a single NTGS co-funded diamond hole (SCDD2001) to a total depth of 400.75 m to test the source of the EM anomaly, better understand the potential for structural control and confirm the stratigraphic sequence. The drilling intercepted fine-grained sediments (including black shale) from 318m-345m and roughly coincident with the conductivity EM anomaly modelled from recently acquired ground EM. Mineralisation associated with the black shales included replacement of sediment bands with quartz veining +- pyrrhotite/pyrite/galena/sphalerite/minor chalcopyrite as well as localized breccia and shearing intercepted between 328.9 m and 363 m. The hole terminated in undeformed/unmineralised interbedded siltstones and sandstones. Significant mineralisation occurs in the lower third of the hole warranting further investigation via downhole EM surveying and potentially follow up drilling at adjacent conductive targets. The SCDD2001 drilling project successfully achieved its primary objectives, having drilled through the targeted EM anomaly and determined stratigraphic relationships.
Date Added: 5-Jul-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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