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Title: Surrender Report EL 32016 March Fly 28 June 2020 to 28 January 2021
Title Holder / Company: Thor Mining
Molyhil Mining
Report id: CR2021-0005
Tenure: EL32016
Year: 2021
Author: Galloway Warland, N
Pearce, K
Abstract: The region prospective for basement hosted, unconformity-related uranium deposits particularly where the lower Proterozoic meta- sediments are overlain by mid-Proterozoic sandstones. A secondary target includes structurally controlled deposits within or adjacent to granites. The ground has similar geological setting to the Rum Jungle and Alligator Rivers Uranium Field in the NT. Following the review of existing exploration data, Thor Mining consider the tenement has insufficient prospectivity to warrant further exploration and have chosen to surrender the tenement.
Date Added: 26-May-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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