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Title: First Annual Report for the period 11 August 2014 to 10 August 2015 EL 30226 Dhupuma Plateau
Title Holder / Company: Gulkula Mining Company
Report id: CR2015-0576
Tenure: EL30226
Year: 2015
Author: Cameron, J
Abstract: EL 30236 (Dhupuma Plateau) held by Gulkula Mining Proprietary Limited is located on the Gove Peninsula in northeast Arnhem Land about 30km south of Nhulunbuy. EL 30226 was granted on the 11 August 2014 for a period of 6 years over an area of 68.55 km2 (32 blocks). This land is administered under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1975 (ALRA). The exploration target is bauxite mineralisation analogous to the Gove deposits currently being mined by Rio Tinto Alcan, and which have formed through the intensive weathering of Cretaceous sediments during the Tertiary. During the reporting period Gulkula exploration has focussed on completing reconnaissance geological and sampling traverses over the north, south and central areas of the plateau, a maiden drilling program comprising 182 vacuum-lift drill holes for 690.5 metres and flora, fauna and cultural heritage surveys. Results of this work have identified a number of areas of potential bauxite mineralisation which will be further explored in the second year of tenure.
Date Added: 11-May-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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