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Title: EL 24921, EL 24922, EL 25002 Tin Camp Creek Project Annual Report 30 May 2014 to 29 May 2015
Title Holder / Company: TCC Project
West Arnhem Corporation
Alligator Energy
Report id: CR2015-0419
Tenure: EL24921;  EL24922;  EL25002
Year: 2015
Author: Lightfood, R
Abstract: The Tin Camp Creek project comprises three Exploration Licences (ELs), EL 24921, EL 24922 and EL 25002 which are held by TCC Project Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Alligator Energy Ltd. In May 2012, an application for amalgamated reporting of the Tin Camp Creek Project was approved by DME. This Annual Report is in respect of ELs 24921, 24922 and 25002. EL's 24921 and 24922 were granted on 30 May 2007 for a period of 4 years. Renewal applications for additional 2 year periods were subsequently lodged in 2011 and 2013. El 25002 was granted on 2 September 2008 for a period of 6 years. The tenements are located in western Arnhem Land approximately 250 km east of Darwin and 50 km northeast of Jabiru. The tenements are considered prospective for unconformity-style uranium deposits similar to Ranger, Jabiluka, Koongarra and Nabarlek. Geology within the tenements is broadly equivalent to known deposits in the Alligator Rivers Uranium Field and consists in part of equivalents of Lower Cahill Formation of the Pine Creek Orogen (PCO) overlain in places by the lower Kombolgie Sub-group sandstone. The Tin Camp Creek Project area has been explored intermittently since 1970 resulting in the discovery of the Caramal deposit, South Horn prospect and the Two Rocks prospect. These prospects have been the focus of considerable drilling and exploration. As a result of recent exploration, Mintaka and Orion East have been named as additional prospects. Exploration work commenced on the tenements by Alligator Energy towards the end of the 2010, with Alligator Energy's fourth full season being documented in this report. Work undertaken during the 2014/2015 tenure year included an initial Sub Audio Magnetics (SAM) geophysical survey over 3 regional areas, carried out by GAP Geophysics with the support of Alligator Energy staff. This was followed by 33 drill holes for 5,955 metres comprising of 5,478 metres of reverse circulation drilling and 477 metres of diamond drilling, from which 1,207 drill samples were sent for analysis (inclusive of historic core sampling). Tenement wide reconnaissance through geological mapping was also conducted and a total of 769 rock chip samples taken for multi element geochemistry and lead isotope study. A further 89 vegetation samples were taken, 83 for lead isotope analysis and 6 others for radionuclide analysis. Additionally 8 water samples, 3 ground water and 5 drillhole samples were submitted for radionuclide analysis at ANSTO. Furthermore, unconformity sections of 7 drillholes totalling 76.4m of core were submitted to Rocksearch Australia Pty Ltd for HyLogger analysis
Date Added: 30-Apr-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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