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Title: Compilation of industry geophysical data over the Tennant Creek and Rover mineral fields
Report id: DIP032
GIS version: MapInfo, 26/03/2021
ESRI SHP, 26/03/2021
Year: 2021
Author: Hutchens, M
Abstract: The Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS) has performed an audit of geophysical data available in digital format over the Warramunga Province and surroundings, encompassing the Tennant Creek mineral field and the Rover field. DIP032 contains catalogues of currently available geophysical survey data from open file company reports in GIS format, as well as magnetic and gravity grids in ERmapper format, and reprocessed gravity data in ASCII (csv) format. The supplied GIS files show geophysical survey extents and include tabulated survey information for the airborne magnetic (+/- radiometric), ground gravity, airborne electromagnetic, ground magnetic, ground electromagnetic, resistivity/induced polarisation, downhole, and other geophysical surveys.
Publisher: Northern Territory Geological Survey
Document Type: NTGS Digital Information Package
GIS Data
Access Constraint: With the exception of the Northern Territory of Australia logo, and where otherwise noted, all material in this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (
You are free to re-use the work under the licence, on the condition that you attribute the Northern Territory of Australia (Northern Territory Geological Survey) and comply with the other licence terms.
Date Added: 16-Apr-2021
Appears in Collections:Digital Information Packages

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DIP032_Summary.pdf2.05 MBPDF Add
DIP032-Metadata.pdf117.07 kBPDF Add
DIP032_AS_Grid.zip1.23 GBZIP Add
DIP032_GIS_GeophysicsSurveys.zip646.11 kBZIP Add
DIP032_resSCBA__Grid.zip274.29 MBZIP Add
DIP032_RTP_Grid.zip1.22 GBZIP Add
DIP032_RTP1VD_Grid.zip1.27 GBZIP Add
DIP032_RTPTILT_Grid.zip1.25 GBZIP Add
DIP032_SCBA_Grid.zip288.56 MBZIP Add
DIP032_SCBA_uc1km_Grid.zip286.51 MBZIP Add
DIP032_TMI_Grid.zip1.23 GBZIP Add
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