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Title: Annual Technical Report EL 26899 Flora-Daly Basin for the period 5 May 2014 to 4 May 2015
Title Holder / Company: Century Hill
Consolidated Global Investment
Report id: CR2015-0358
Tenure: EL26899
Year: 2015
Author: Townsend, B
Abstract: A review of data and market conditions was conducted during 2014 and the exploration potential of the area was re-evaluated by the Company. It was concluded that the barite deposits remained highly prospective and further exploration would focus on the barite potential of the area. The Company has retained an area of 29 blocks to the northwest and southern area adjacent to the Dorisvale fault. An area of 30 blocks was surrendered.
Date Added: 9-Apr-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL26899_2015_A_01.pdf1.75 MBPDF Add
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