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Title: EP144, Northern Territory, Geology and Petroleum Resources Phase 1
Title Holder / Company: Minerals Australia
Jacaranda Minerals
Hancock Prospecting
Report id: PR2014-0013
Tenure: EP144
Year: 2014
Corporate Author: SRK Consulting Australasia
Abstract: This report outlines results based from a review of the available, albeit limited, drilling information and geological datasets. Historical observations of gas within a pastoral waterbore as well as exploration work conducted in the 1980's indicate some prospectivity for unconventional petroleum resources within the Proterozoic sedimentary sequences of the South Nicholoson Group inclusive of the Mullera formation and Crow formation. Underlying sequences of the McNamara Group may have unconventional source rock potential; however, no drilling information within these units was avaialble to confirm the presence of prospective shale-rich sequences known to host shale gas.
This work was conducted based mainly from medium to high-resolution magnetic and regional gravity datasets as well as limited surface geology. Very few wells (both petroleum and mineral exploration drilling) were available with the tenement areas from which to constrain interpretations. Much of the area is covered by Palaeozoic and younger strata including extensive Middle Cambrian Georgina Basin units.
Date Added: 31-Mar-2021
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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