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Title: Combined Partial Relinquishment Report for EL 26593 and EL 26613 Euro Project GR283 from 14 December 2012 to 13 December 2020
Title Holder / Company: Prodigy Gold
Newcrest Operations
Report id: CR2020-0574
Tenure: EL26593;  EL26613
Year: 2020
Author: Rohde, J
Abstract: The relinquished area of EL 26593 and EL 26613 formed part of Prodigy Gold NL (Prodigy) (formerly ABM Resources NL) Euro project which currently comprises Exploration Licences 25845, 26590, 26591,26592, 26593, 26613, 26615, 26618, 26620, 26621, 26622, 26673 and 27604. The Euro project is located approximately 550 kilometres northwest of Alice in the Tanami Region. These tenements form the GR283 technical reporting group. Prodigy explored the project for the potential of gold and base metal mineralisation. From July 2018 to Nov 2020 joint venture partner Newcrest Operations Limited (Newcrest) was earning an interest in the Euro Project by funding exploration. In 2013 and 2014 project wide exploration included as a first step the importation of historic data available into the Prodigy's data base. Regional desktop studies followed, including geophysical and geological interpretations which resulted in the prioritisation of field assessment targets and of further desktop study targets. No on ground work was carried out. In 2015 no exploration was conducted. In 2016 a project wide reconnaissance field trip and desktop studies and a review of the regional basement geology was completed. A regional basement geology incorporating NTGS and ABM interpretation 1:500,000 merged map was produced. In 2017 and 2018 no exploration was carried out on the relinquished areas. In 2019 The NTGS co-funding airborne magnetic geophysical survey across the Tanami Region facilitated the infill of flight lines from 200m spacing to 100m spacing across the Euro Project including the relinquished areas. In 2020 no exploration was conducted. In December 2020 a project wide tenement holding assessment led to the conclusion that a total of 46 blocks were un-prospective for gold or base metal mineralisation. Consequently, a voluntary partial relinquishment was lodged in respect of 31 sub-blocks for EL 26593 and 15 sub-blocks for EL 26613 at the end of the 8th year of term of the licence, 13 December 2020.
NOTEAerial Mag/Rad Survey can be downloaded from GEMIS
Date Added: 28-Mar-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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