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Title: Grouped Annual Report GR097/09 EL 24607, EL 29840, EL 29841 and EL 29849 Wonarah Phosphate Project for the period ending 8 January 2015
Title Holder / Company: Minemakers Australia
Report id: CR2015-0039
Tenure: EL24607;  EL29840;  EL29841;  EL29849
Year: 2015
Author: Pellatt, A
Fulton, R
Abstract: This Combined Annual Report details work completed on EL 24607, EL 29840, EL 29841 and EL 29849 from 9 January 2014 to 8 January 2015. The tenements are held and operated by Minemakers Australia Pty Ltd and together with ML 27244, form the Wonarah Phosphate Project, with phosphate being the target commodity. The project area lies around a palaeohigh within the Georgina Basin. In 1967 the area was first pegged for phosphate potential by IMC Development Corporation and Minemakers Australia Pty Ltd has held the titles since 2008. Work since 2008 has defined two areas of JORC resources - Main Zone and Arruwurra. The resources lie mostly within ML 27244 but extend onto both EL 29849 and EL 29841. The local geology comprises basement granite of Palaeoproterozoic age, unconformably overlain by basalt of the Helen Springs Volcanics. The volcanics are unconformably overlain by dolomitic rocks of the Thorntonia Limestone equivalent in part. The overlying phosphate-bearing Upper Gum Ridge Formation is divided locally into five units and is overlain by mudstone, siltstone and sandstone of the Wonarah Formation. In the reporting year, the only exploration work undertaken was rehabilitation of access tracks from previous Minemakers' drill programs. All exploration holes and sumps for diamond holes on the tenements have now been rehabilitated.
Date Added: 7-Feb-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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