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Title: Bridging Report EL 28029 Blueys Folley Year 4, 1 December 2014 to 31 January 2015
Title Holder / Company: DBL Blues
Core Exploration
Report id: CR2015-0084
Tenure: EL28029
Year: 2015
Author: Chalmers, N
Abstract: EL 28029 'Blueys Folley' lies 110 km east-north-east of Alice Springs between the Amarata Range and Hale River. Travel time is just under 2 hours from the township (Figure 2.1). Access from Alice Springs is by way of Ross Highway for 70 km, then northeast towards Arltunga and then heading east - south east along the Ruby Gorge track. During the reporting period Core Exploration undertook a comprehensive review of historical exploration data and reconnaissance field trip of the area. Core believes that further mapping and rock chip sampling is warranted to properly evaluate the prospects.
Date Added: 5-Feb-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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