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Title: Group Annual Report EL 9250, EL 26609, EL 26619, EL 27125, EL 27126, EL 27566, EL 27812, EL 27979 and EL 28333 Suplejack Project GR166/12 from 30 November 2013 to 29 November 2014
Title Holder / Company: Australian Tenement Holdings
ABM Resources
Report id: CR2014-0951
Tenure: EL9250;  EL26609;  EL26619;  EL27125;  EL27126;  EL27566;  EL27812;  EL27979;  EL28333
Year: 2014
Author: Rohde, J
Abstract: The Suplejack Project is located approximately 700km NNW of in the northern portion of the Tanami Desert (Figure 1). The project comprises nine granted Exploration Licences - EL 9250, 26609, 27812, 26619, 27125, 27126, 27566, 27979 and EL 28333. ABM explores the tenements for the potential of gold mineralisation. During a one day field trip to the Hyperion - Jasper Hill - Stone Ridge prospect area (EL 9250) a number of out-cropping quartz veins where mapped on foot in anticipation of completion of an XRF survey along the veins at a later stage. A total of three historic drill hole spoil piles were inspected to determine the underlying rock type in the area. The mapped quartz veins were between 0.1 - 0.5m thick, bucky in nature and hosted within weathered dolerite (Plate 2). The rock type of the historic drill chip samples indicated fine grained sand- and siltstone metasediments of the MacFarlane Peak Group as bedrock. In addition to the still valid 2012 recommendations, an XRF survey along the mapped quartz veins is proposed.
Date Added: 26-Nov-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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