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Title: EL 31456 - Maryvale Amadeus Project Annual and Final Report 01 August 2017 to 31 August 2020
Title Holder / Company: BMEx
Report id: CR2020-0380
Tenure: EL31456
Year: 2020
Abstract: The Amadeus project comprises of six contiguous exploration licences ELs 31456, 31508, 31509, 31510, 31589, 31737. This is the annual report for the second year of EL 31456. Amalgamated Group Technical reporting was granted for the project under title GR489 on 15th August 2018, however due to the inability to raise money for green field exploration, all other tenements within this project have been relinquished. The project holding covered 2,998 sq km, with EL 31456 consisting of 553 sq km of this. It is approximately 100km south of Alice Springs in the Eastern Amadeus basin, with the Titjikala road dissecting the Eastern margin of the EL. The project area was targeted after a systematic analysis of the Northern Territory Geological Survey's database of exploration data extending back to the 1960's, and review of the COBRA report highlighting a first order zinc and cobalt anomalism in a favourable environment for mineralisation. The Amadeus Basin is part of an extensive belt of Neoproterozoic rocks which extends from the Paterson Province in northern Western Australia through to the eastern Amadeus Basin, east of Alice Springs. The Paterson Province hosts the Telfer gold mine and Nifty copper mine and Maroochydore copper deposit. The Paterson Province and Amadeus Basin also share equivalent age, geology and tectonic history to the Neoproterozoic African Copper Belt Basins. Major zinc discoveries in African Neoproterozoic Belts include Skorpion and Kipushi. The Amadeus Basin, while sharing an equivalent geological history as the Paterson Province and the African Copper Belt, has received only a fraction of the exploration activity, most of which was completed in excess of 20 years ago. No work has been completed within this reporting period, and the decision has been made to relinquish the project.
NOTESee CR2018-0563 for Rock Chip Assays
Date Added: 19-Nov-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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