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Title: Charley Creek EL 25657 Cloughs Dam Annual Report for the period 30 August 2013 to 29 August 2014
Title Holder / Company: WDR Base Metals
Crossland Strategic Metals
Report id: CR2014-0767
Tenure: EL25657
Year: 2014
Author: Melville, P
Abstract: This report covers activities carried out in relation to EL 25657 'Cloughs Dam' between 30 August 2013 and 29 August 2014. The licence is centred approximately 50 km northwest of Alice Springs, and extends along the northern edge of the West McDonnell Ranges. The northern boundary lies just south of the Tanami Highway. The exploration licence is held by Western Desert Resources Base Metals Pty Ltd (WDRBM). In July 2010, Crossland Nickel Pty Ltd entered into a Farm-In arrangement with WDRBM to Joint Venture the licence. Crossland Nickel is a wholly owned subsidiary of Crossland Strategic Metals Ltd (Crossland). The latter company has been appointed the operator of the licence. EL 25657 comprises part of Crossland's regional Charley Creek project. The project area is considered prospective for Rare Earths, uranium and other metals. Crossland has been exploring the region since 2005, initially for nickel. During this period, the significance of the anomalous uranium content of the Teapot Granite became apparent and exploration efforts were concentrated in that terrane for several years. In 2008 on Crossland's EL 24281, an aircore program testing for paleochannel-hosted uranium in the plains country immediately north of the ranges, discovered indications of Rare Earth Element (REE) mineralisation in both weathered bedrock and in the overlying alluvial material. Indications of REE were also discovered in the granitic terrane. The significance of these discoveries was immediately realised, and since that time the principal focus has been on the exploration for these commodities, principally within the extensive outwash fans, which fringe the northern edge of the MacDonnell Ranges. The activities undertaken in the reporting period have been aircore drilling and sediment sampling.
Date Added: 9-Nov-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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