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Title: Kirkimbie Diamond Project EL 29803 Annual Report 24 September 2013 to 23 September 2014
Title Holder / Company: Martin, A
Report id: CR2014-0584
Tenure: EL29803
Year: 2014
Author: Martin, C
Abstract: The Kirkimbie Project lies in the Palaeoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic aged Victoria and Birrindudu Basins and the southern part of the Neoproterozoic aged Victoria Basin. Extensive areas are covered by flood basalts of the Kalkarindji Continental Flood Basalt. A total of nineteen rock chip samples concentrated at Moonbool creek were taken from EL 29803. The analyses of samples undertaken during 2014 have returned encouraging indicators of Mn, Ni, Pb, Fe and Ba. Considering these samples have been taken from the weathered soil profile it is an encouraging sign that mineralisation may be present below the weathering profile. It is important to keep in mind that what we are dealing with is undercover mineralisation. True bulls eye targets and diffuse magnetic anomalies could be either deeply buried targets or a result of surface weathering of iron - manganese rich rocks. They will need to be carefully considered in the field, based on careful field observation and sampling. To do justice to the tenement which is considered to be under-explored, more vigorous exploration is required.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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