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Title: Mount Douglas Project EL 27930 Annual report for the year ending 28 October 2011
Title Holder / Company: Northern Minerals
Eclipse Uranium
Report id: CR2011-0810
Tenure: EL27930
Year: 2011
Author: Moore, H
Abstract: The project is prospective for uranium mineralisation, polymetallic base metal veins and low sulphide Au Veins. Work completed on the tenement comprises collation of historical open file reports and geological data. This was utilised with reprocessed open file geophysical data for project review and target generation. A field trip was completed with the purpose of geological mapping and sampling where appropriate, understanding the logistical requirements of any future programs and establishing good relations with the land owners. Eclipse was advised by the Department of Parks and Wildlife that it would not be given permission to access the tenement. As such Eclipse just determined the best access for the tenement whilst driving past without actually accessing the tenement. As part of a program for all of the pine creek tenements historic data is being compiled and entered into a database.
Date Added: 26-Oct-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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