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Title: Harts Range Project Annual Technical Report for exploration licence group GR132/09 EL 25063 and EL 25430 for the year ending 21 February 2014
Title Holder / Company: Barfuss Corporation
Report id: CR2014-0486
Tenure: EL25063;  EL25430
Year: 2014
Author: Caughey, AR
Abstract: Activities during the reporting period included additional selective sampling of muscovite from pegmatite dykes and despatch of samples for testing to the Merck Group in Germany. Additional fieldwork by Barfuss Corporation has primarily been reconnaissance prospecting for gem occurrences and radioactive mineralisation (similar to the high-grade REE mineralisation identified at existing prospects). No samples were submitted for analysis, apart from those sent to Merck, and pending provision of results by Merck, no numerical results can be provided. The company regards the project as highly prospective and is keen to resume significant exploration activity on it.
Date Added: 26-Oct-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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