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Title: Year 2 Relinquishment Report EL 31624 Mosquito Creek for the reporting period 18 June 2019 to 17 June 2020
Title Holder / Company: Treasure Creek
Report id: CR2020-0206
Tenure: EL31624
Year: 2020
Author: Chapman, A
Abstract: EL 31624 is part of Treasure Creeks new Tennant Creek tenement package and is part of an overall exploration strategy targeting iron oxide copper gold mineralisation in the region. At the end of year 2 only 8 blocks were relinquished as a partial reduction. The relinquished ground is over granites identified from airborne magnetics and no work was done within the area relinquished for the duration that it was held. No further exploration is recommended on the relinquished ground as it is entirely within granites identified from airborne magentics.
Date Added: 11-Oct-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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