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Title: Annual Report EL 5893, 4 May 2012 to 3 May 2014 Wellington Range
Title Holder / Company: Cameco Australia
Report id: CR2014-0452
Tenure: EL5893
Year: 2014
Author: Walsh, B
Hawkiins, D
Abstract: 2013 exploration activities on the Wellington Range tenement consisted of a diamond drilling program, a ground based IP - resistivity survey and termitaria sampling. Two prospects named Angularli and Shadow Falcon were explored with diamond drilling. At Angularli exploration targeted a NNW trending reverse fault intersected during 2012 drilling in search of unconformity style mineralisation found at Angularli in 2011. At Shadow Falcon a NE trending reverse fault was targeted in search of uranium mineralisation hosted in hanging wall Cahill Formation thrust over Mamadawerre Sandstone. Drillhole WRDD0119 at Angularli intersected 983 ppm uranium over 0.8 m from 243.3 m at the unconformity. Forty-eight termitaria samples were collected over the Emu prospect across a radiometric anomaly identified in a high resolution aerial radiometric survey collected in 2012. Elevated uranium was detected within multiple samples.
Date Added: 30-Sep-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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