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Title: Harts Range Jinka - Mount Riddoch Regions, Final Report for EL 25098 being part of GR078/09, 8 March 2014
Title Holder / Company: Australian Abrasive Minerals
Report id: CR2014-0211
Tenure: EL25098
Year: 2014
Author: Baxter, J
Abstract: Australian Abrasive Minerals Pty Ltd propose to relinquish EL 25098 being part of the Harts Range Spinifex Bore Garnet Project tenements. TThe area covered by EL 25098 is entirely within the area of ML 28614. Australian Abrasive Minerals has records of 125 drill holes from EL 25098. Some of those holes were drilled by Olympia Resources Ltd (later renamed Matilda Zircon Ltd) on EL 9190 which was covered by EL 25098 and is now included in ML 28614. Exploration for garnet on EL 25098 has been successful in identifying a resource that is suitable for development.
Date Added: 3-Sep-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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