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Title: EL 31137, EL 31213 Utopia Project Annual Technical Report 31 January 2018 to 31 January 2019
Title Holder / Company: Lithium Plus
Report id: CR2019-0027
Tenure: EL31137;  EL31213
Year: 2019
Author: Chalmers, N
Abstract: Lithium Plus Pty Ltd acquired the two tenements which form the Utopia Project (EL 31213 and EL 31137) from Kingston Resources Ltd through a corporate transaction incorporating a larger package of Northern Territory tenements covering the Bynoe and the Arunta regions. This package of tenements is targeting the area's potential to host hard rock lithium in pegmatite mineralisation. The current price increase and interest in lithium is due to its increase in global demand as a result of its use in battery technologies. This has resulted in a 'lithium rush' with numerous exploration licences pegged or re-evaluated based on its pegmatite hosted lithium prospectivity. EL 31213 and EL 31137 were pegged to explore for pegmatite hosted lithium mineralisation. Lithium Plus is in the process of assessing its newly acquired tenement packages potential to host other commodities in addition to lithium. No active exploration activities were undertaken within the Utopia Project by either Kingston Resources (up to August 2018) or by Lithium Plus (September 2018 - January 2019).
Date Added: 27-Aug-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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