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Title: Summary of results. Joint NTGS-GA geochronology project: western Amadeus Basin, July 2019-June 2020
Report id: NTGS Record 2020-006
Year: 2020
Author: Beyer, EE
Verdel, C
Normington, VJ
Magee, C
Abstract: This Record presents data collected between December 2019 and February 2020 as part of the ongoing Northern Territory Geological Survey-Geoscience Australia SHRIMP geochronology project under the National Collaboration Framework agreement and Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future Program. New U-Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronological and trace element results derived from 11 sedimentary samples from the western Amadeus Basin in the Northern Territory are presented herein. Results for each sample, comprising sample location and geological context, a description of the target mineral for geochronology, the relevant analytical data, and a brief geochronological interpretation are documented.
Publisher: Northern Territory Geological Survey
Document Type: NTGS Record
Access Constraint: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Please observe and retain any copyright or related notices that accompany this material and give attribution to: Northern Territory of Australia (Northern Territory Geological Survey).
Date Added: 27-Aug-2020
Appears in Collections:Reports, Records, Books

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