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Title: Annual Report EL 28081 5 January 2013 to 4 January 2014 Plenty Rivers Project
Title Holder / Company: FAR Resources
Report id: CR2014-0083
Tenure: EL28081
Year: 2014
Author: Jettner, WA
Abstract: EL 28081 forms part of FAR Resources Plenty Rivers Project which consists of 11 granted exploration licences covering 3,020km2 in the Harts Range-Plenty River area of the Northern Territory. The area is considered to be prospective for base metals, precious metals and industrial minerals. Work conducted in the third year consisted of a licence geological reconnaissance and surface soil and rock geochemical sampling. Exploration to date has not located any base metals mineralisation but only a small part of this extensive licence area has been examined in detail. Because of the long anastomosing nature of the licence, the area covers a number of potential mineralisation domains that will be investigated in the coming years. During the forth year of tenure exploration work will concentrate on the platinum anomaly located in the south-western corner of the EL. It is recommended that active exploration continue in the coming year.
Date Added: 25-Aug-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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