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Title: EL 29690 Final Report 4 December 2013 to 17 June 2019 Magic Mountain Project
Title Holder / Company: Barfuss Corporation
Report id: CR2019-0388
Tenure: EL29690
Year: 2019
Author: Barfuss, R
Abstract: During the course of the EL 29690 period, extensive exploration has been conducted throughout the area. Primarily the focus has been on the REE prospects to the south-eastern side of the project, with prospecting revealing high concentrations of Samarskite type minerals, which have been labelled the Bobs, Cusp and Malex Prospects. Prospecting has also been done in the search and investigation of Muscovite Mica deposits after interest from the Merk Group of Companies from Germany. However, no deposits or samples of value were found in the area. Extensive and widespread ground prospecting has been conducted throughout the entire EL, in the search for more Mica, REE and gemstone deposits, especially in the hopes of finding a continuation of the Harts Range Ruby Deposit, however, nothing of note has been found to date. EL 29690 ceased on 17 June 2019. Since the cessation of EL 29690, further interest in the Rare Earth Elements in the area had occurred, thus a new EL over the previous EL 29690 and more has been applied for. This is EL 32195.
Date Added: 25-Aug-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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