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Title: Browns Mine Leases MLNs 139-147 and 150-152 Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2013
Title Holder / Company: Compass Resources
Guardian Resources
HNC Australia Resources
Report id: CR2013-1123
Tenure: MLN139;  MLN140;  MLN141;  MLN142;  MLN143;  MLN144;  MLN145;  MLN146;  MLN147;  MLN150;  MLN152
Year: 2014
Author: Rosewall, D
Abstract: During 2012-13 these tenements were subjected to a regional airborne FALCON gravity survey. This survey included not only gravity but also acquired magnetics and LIDAR high resolution elevation data. The line spacing was approximately 200m and is currently being processed and divided into individual tenements. The data for these surveys has been submitted to the department. Approximately 9 line km of data acquisition fell on this tenement. During this reporting period a large scale scoping study was also undertaken to assess the potential of an underground sulphide mining operation. The study consisted of resource modelling, stope design and underground engineering, flotation studies and existing plant redesign.
NOTESee CR2013-0216 for Falcon Gravity Survey
Date Added: 22-Jun-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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