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Title: GR472 EL 26530, EL 27014, EL 27581, EL 31531 Annual Technical Report 15 March 2017 to 14 March 2018
Title Holder / Company: Gempart
Report id: CR2018-0257
Tenure: EL26530;  EL27014;  EL27581;  EL31531
Year: 2018
Author: Mackie, AW
Abstract: GR472 project area comprises 4 exploration licences namely, from west to east, 27581,31531,26530 and 27014 covering 2855 sq km of the Petermann Aboriginal Land Trust. They are the subject of an Exploration and Mining Agreement with the Central Land Council as per the provisions of the 1976 Aboriginal Land Rights Act granted on 15 March 2017. A first year geophysical surveying program was implemented comprising 57 north-south flight lines 500m apart of AEM VTEM and AMAG flown simultaneously over the eastern margin of EL 27581 and most of EL 31531 covering an area of 560sqkm(1138 linekm) delineating 4 Priority 1 and 2 VTEM sub surface conductors requiring further investigation. Historical regional soil sampling geochemical data collected by IGO/GSE from 2004-2006 comprising 3233 samples collected from 1159 sites analysed for a variety elements including Au,Ag,Cu,Ni and Co were reprocessed, delineating 9 gold in soil anomalous areas requiring follow up infill sampling and if warranted vacuum/RAB sub surface drill testing. Docker Copper VTEM/AMAG geophysical survey was partly funded by NTGS Collaborations Funding Initiative accordingly,as per Funding Agreement,all located digital data pertaining to above survey including a Final Report was lodged with NTGS Geoscience December 2017.
NOTESee CR2017-0520 for Aerial VTEM Survey
Date Added: 28-May-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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