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Title: Palm Valley 1994 Seismic Survey - Interpretation report
Title Holder / Company: Magellan Petroleum
Report id: PR1996-0088
Tenure: OL3
Year: 1996
Corporate Author: Geco-Prakla
Abstract: This report outlines the new mapping conducted using the results from the 1994 Palm Valley Seismic Survey. Based on the new mapping it was revealed that the Palm Valley Gas field still had a substantial 'upside' potential. Mapping at the Pacoota sandstone level was able to indicate the presence of a subordinate offset structure south/south-west of Palm Valley 3. It also revealed a relationship between the Palm Valley and Waterhouse Structures which was recommended to be further investigated.
Document Type: Seismic Interpretation
Date Added: 17-May-2020
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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